The year 2020 brought one of the worst pandemics in the history of humankind the COVID-19. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic presents unprecedented challenges for world citizen’s health and economy. The QSM World stands ready to assist efforts to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of our employees, our partners, our clients/customers, and the public during this difficult time.
An up-to-date rundown of the virus and its symptoms.
COVID‑19 is a respiratory disease caused by coronavirus that can be spread from person to person. COVID‑19 is short for “coronavirus disease 2019.”
The virus is thought to spread mainly between people who are in close contact with one another (about 6 feet) and through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
The most common symptoms are very similar to other viruses: fever, cough, and difficulty breathing.
Common symptoms of COVID‑19 are changing as more is learned about the disease. For the most up to date symptom list, visit the CDC’s website.
Everyone is at risk of getting COVID‑19, but some people are at a higher risk of serious illness.
Generally speaking, adults aged 65 and older and people of any age who have underlying medical conditions may be at higher risk for serious illness from COVID‑19.
At this time, pregnant women reportedly have the same COVID‑19 risk as adults who are not pregnant. There is also no clear evidence that a fetus can be infected with COVID‑19 in the womb.
Pregnant women are known to have a higher risk of severe illness when infected with viruses from the same family as COVID‑19 and other viral respiratory infections. This is why pregnant women should take extra precautions to not get COVID‑19. Avoid those who have or who have been exposed to COVID‑19. Wash your hands often. Practice physical distancing. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily
Knowing when to see a doctor can keep medical care available for those who need it most.
Most mild symptoms can be treated at home. The most up-to-date way to assess your best next steps is to complete our Screening Tool.
Information about hand-washing, physical distancing, isolating from others, and more.
Washing your hands is the best way to help you stay healthy. Here’s how to do it.
The virus spreads from person to person. Physical distancing means putting space between yourself and people outside your home to prevent the transmission of the disease.
If you think you might have been exposed to COVID‑19, quarantine yourself. The purpose of this practice is to separate yourself from others and restrict your movement while waiting to see if you become sick.
If you are sick with COVID‑19 or have symptoms, isolate yourself. The purpose of isolation is to prevent spreading the infection to others by keeping sick people separated from healthy people.
Stay home and monitor your symptoms. If they get significantly worse, contact your doctor immediately. You can leave your house to receive medical care.
Keep track of your symptoms if you suspect you have COVID‑19, have been around someone who has tested positive for it, or you’ve been diagnosed.
Commonly used surfaces should be regularly cleaned and disinfected.
Using a cloth mask can protect yourself and others from germs and help slow the spread.
Buy a cloth face mask. If you can’t find one, improvise. Create a mask from a tightly‑woven cotton garment, like sheets or a bandana; T‑shirt fabric will work in a pinch. Ensure your mask has multiple layers of fabric. Tap the button below to view the CDC’s full instructions.
Current guidance on who should be tested and what to expect from test results.
Knowing when to get tested can keep testing resources available for those who need it most.
Your doctor or state or local health department will decide if you should be tested.
State and local health departments have received tests from the CDC. Individual doctors are coordinating testing through public health labs. They are also getting tests developed by commercial manufacturers.
Testing can identify if you have the virus that causes COVID‑19.
No treatment is specifically approved for COVID‑19. But test results can help you and your doctor decide what to do next.
The turnaround time for testing varies between testing sites.
Tips for keeping yourself physically and mentally healthy.
Eat well-balanced meals. This means lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein. Try to limit the amount of sugar and salt.
Practice mindfulness, which can help you stay calm. Various meditation apps are offering free services and specific COVID‑19 programming.
Limit your trips to the grocery store or pharmacy as much as possible. When you go, try to only buy what you need to be sure there’s enough for everyone else.
If you’re able to work from home, maintain a schedule and stick to it.
If you’re able to work from home, maintain a schedule and stick to it.
Stay home and monitor your symptoms. If they get worse, contact your doctor immediately. Leave your house only to receive medical care.
Stay Safe & Stay Well